Wednesday, August 26, 2020
International Warfare Essay -- American History Essays
Global Warfare Global fighting has consistently been a subject of discussion and that discussion expanded incredibly all through the 1990s. The lead of individual states, recently viewed as an only household matter, is currently of worldwide concern. That universal concern has spread to incorporate a few regions inside the space of worldwide fighting, from the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty to the Genocide Convention to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction. It is this last bargain has been the subject of much worldwide consideration over the most recent couple of years. That consideration was created through a large number of causes including: the joint granting of the 1997 Nobel Peace Price to Jody Williams and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines; the association of the late Princess Diana with the reason; the mindfulness endeavors of associations, for example, Amnesty International to pitch the impacts of mines; and, to wrap things up, the drafting and marking into impact of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction. The subsequent media inclusion and open mindfulness has brought about expanded activities to boycott land mines and open objection over the impact of landmines on influenced zones. It is those impacts and activities that give the inspiration to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Landmines and on their Destruction and a portion of the debate encompassing it. As indicated by the Mine Action Information Center at James Madison University, eighty countries and regions thro... ... mines are great and the instructive activities supportive, yet the real factors remain. The United States expected to give a model in 1997 of how a nation keeps up a compassionate concentration while refining the standards of war. Rather, the United States holed up behind President Clinton’s supplications for the sake of American soldiers and the restricted guide endeavors it gave. 2002 spots the United States at a cliff and an opportunity to pick is currently. Right now occupied with a war without an end in sight, the United States is centered around the now and the strategies for fighting. Change endeavors are a long way from the highest priority on the rundown, however they ought to be straight up there. There is no better an ideal opportunity to send the message that despite the fact that America is seeking after triumph at what appears to be all costs, the U.S. still understands that â€Å"at all costs†isn't only for the present however that the impacts ventur e far into what's to come.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The economy in California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The economy in California - Essay Example Over the span of this evaluation and investigation, different elements are considered considering their impacts and suggestions on the economy. These elements are separated by their degree of impact and their extension concerning how every individual element can manage them (Melvin and Boyes, 122). All things considered, financial aspects as a sociology consolidates parts of creation, dissemination and use of products and administrations inside an economy and the different elements that influence this cycle. For a legitimate and progressively smart examination of these variables, the ideas of miniaturized scale and macroeconomics are acquainted with manage changing points of view of the manner by which different elements sway on the economy. Microeconomics frequently manages perspectives that are inside a given financial entity’s extension, and alludes to factors that the element has command over. Then again, macroeconomics lays accentuation on factors that a financial substan ce has practically zero power over, particularly factors that have a national, transnational or worldwide degree. A case of a factor that influences the economy on a national point of view is the swelling rate, or the degree of expansion inside the economy. In that capacity, the investigation of this factor shapes an astute consequence from which the effect of macroeconomic elements can be seen according to the economy. BODY: On a general stage, expansion can be depicted as the continuous increment in the costs of products and administration arrangement inside an economy over a given period. This is occasioned by the estimation of the cash dropping, whereby the money related may of a unit of money drops and it can buy lesser and lesser things as the degree of swelling increases.... On different stages, swelling alludes to a normal increment in the cash coursing inside an economy, as occasioned by the estimation of the money dropping justifying the requirement for progressively lawful delicate to finish an exchange (Melvin and Boyes, 134). Swelling is brought about by various variables, extending from government use surpassing the incomes, or the private area causing deficiencies in yield bringing about interest surpassing the gracefully of merchandise and ventures. In addition, expanded creation costs additionally bring about expanded costs of merchandise consequently bringing about swelling. The measure for expansion is brought out through the value list that screens the general evaluating of shopper products and enterprises over a given period. The general rate change in cost generally involves the swelling level inside the economy. The effects of expansion can be both positive and negative in certain occasions. Be that as it may, its negative power is more a ffecting than the beneficial outcomes (McEachern, 187). There are levels of swelling, with low degrees of expansion for the most part considered not as unsafe. Nonetheless, zero and high expansion are viewed as unsafe to any economy. The significant effect of expansion is that it makes a budgetary deficiency for people who are getting by on a fixed salary. This is occasioned by the absence of pay dynamism comparable to the pace of swelling (McEachern, 222). The measure of extra cash for such people diminishes, in this way prompting less use, further upgrading the expansion rate. This outcomes in limited reserve funds, as more cash is utilized in buys that were already less stressing on the money related muscle. Be that as it may, swelling can likewise bring about shrouded charge brings particularly up in
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Summer Vacation Ideas For Students
Summer Vacation Ideas For Students What Should You Do During Summer Vacation as an International Student Home›Informative Posts›What Should You Do During Summer Vacation as an International Student Informative PostsSummer Vacation Ideas For International StudentsIf you are planning to study in the United States or Canada, you will be pleased to know that students there have up to four months of summer vacation. It’s quite a lot of free time, isn’t it? To make sure that you won’t get bored during such a long period of time, we have come up with some summer ideas for international students.Get Acquainted With Your New SurroundingsWhile studying, you probably won’t have enough time to explore the new city, but during the summer break you most certainly will. Google some important historical and cultural sights and visit them, so as to get to know more about the place you are living in. Also, you can absorb the city’s atmosphere by strolling around and enjoying local architecture, shops and restaurants.Hang out With FriendsBy that time, you will have met many new friends in your school. It would be nice to spend some time with them outside your classroom. Together, you can go hiking, have fun on the beach, go to watch a new movie in 3D or organize a movie marathon at home and so on.Enjoy Music Concerts and FestivalsIf you enjoy listening to live performances of your favorite singers and bands, both the USA and Canada can provide you with many opportunities to do that. Summer is the perfect time for music addicts, since a great deal of concerts and music festivals are held during that period of time. Just go through the announcements to see when your favorite performers will give concerts in your city or in a city not far from yours.Find a JobIf you did not manage to find a part-time job during studying year, don’t get disappointed. You will have plenty of time to find a job during the summer break. Just spend some time writing a good CV and then go to the places in your town, which are hiring students, or apply for a job online.Become a VolunteerNowadays, volunteering is very popular in both Canada and the USA. You can join this movement and become a volunteer in some local charitable organization or at your college. Just think about what issue you would like to address â€" homeless people, stray dogs, air pollution etc. Then find an organization or a group of volunteers working in that area and offer your help.As you can see, there are many ways to have a great time during summer vacations in a foreign country. We hope our summer break tips will help you understand what exactly you want to do during that period of time.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Southern Colonies vs New England Colonies - 713 Words
Early life in the Americas consisted of great diversity as well as some similarities between colonies. During the colonial time period from about the 1600’s through the 1700’s, the thirteen original colonies were founded and divided among three major sections known as the New England colonies, the Middle colonies, and the Southern colonies. The New England colonies consisted of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. The Middle colonies contained New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The Southern colonies included Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. Geography was a primary influence on the colonial way of life. The New England colonies and the Southern colonies vary†¦show more content†¦The northern region was more industrious than the southern region. Even though these two regions have many different characteristics with the economy, they had some similarities. Each region had their own econo mic system and they were each new colonies starting out in the New World. They both had to adapt to their surroundings and environment to survive and create their unique economy. Socially these regions differed as well. Although a majorityShow MoreRelatedThe Reformation Of The England979 Words  | 4 Pagesriches. England was suffering internally as a country. England longed for the riches and power that Spain and France had. England found a way to become number one in the hierarchy of the countries and began voyages in search of new land. Once England came upon the new land, they realized useful resources such as lumber, spices and other goods were in abundance. Settlements began to surface, creating several colonies that were categorized as northern, middle, and southern colonies. 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From this conflict ensued the most merciless and blood stricken war in American history, tearing flesh from the Puritan doctrine, revealing deep down the bright and incisive fact that anger and violence brings man to a Godless level when faced with the threat of pain and total destruction. In the summer of 1676, as the violenceRead MoreKing Philips War2143 Words  | 9 PagesAmerican History 19 October 2001 King Philips War: An Exercise In Failure In 1675, the Algonquian Indians rose up in fury against the Puritan Colonists, sparking a violent conflict that engulfed all of Southern New England. From this conflict ensued the most merciless and blood stricken war in American history, tearing flesh from the Puritan doctrine, revealing deep down the bright and incisive fact that anger and violence brings man to a Godless level when faced with the threat of pain and
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
How to Start a Beauty Salon - 1506 Words
How to Start a Beauty Salon Have you always dreamed of being successful in the beauty business? Here s how to launch and establish your very own beauty salon. Small Business Liability Setting up Shop 1. Figure out how much money you need. Starting a business can cost a lot of money, and most entrepreneurs don t turn a profit for the first year or two. Here s what to consider: Franchises under $10,000 Franchises for less than $10K. 100 s of low cost franchises. Can you still support yourself while your business gets up and running? Calculate how much money you need for monthly expenses, how much of a cushion you have in savings, and how much you absolutely must make each month to stay afloat.†¦show more content†¦Experience may give a beautician the expertise to render treatment, but, without proper training, she would be unaware of the merits and demerits of procedures. Have a short but clear salon procedures manual in place as soon as you can, and give each employee a contract when they start. These documents are usually easy to find on the internet and you can then customize them to your business. It will save you a lot of headaches in the long run if you are set up properly at the beginning. Welcoming Clients 1. Create a clean and safe atmosphere. Salons thrive on an environment that is clean, safe and relaxing, where customers can receive prompt and professional service. Cleanliness is a particularly important element that can draw clients in again and again. Be sure your towels, foot baths, and other equipment’s are washed, clean and odor-free. Keep your tools sharp and current. Your clients must be able to trust that the products and tools that you use on them are of top-notch quality and safe. You cannot afford to put your clients at risk from infections, as it could damage your reputation. Make the atmosphere relaxing. Play soft music, use gentle lighting and keep loud chatter between your employees at a minimum. 2. Offer a wide range of services (optional). This could give you a distinct advantage over those who offer only one or two types of services. Many clients prefer toShow MoreRelatedIntroduction on Beauty Salon Business864 Words  | 4 PagesIn the 21st century, beauty and make up are like the wheels of a cart or the two sides of a coin. Women are beautiful in themselves; but a little make-up does help a lot and it keeps one to make the day better and happier. Every woman wants to be pretty whether she’s young or old so the beauty salon is the place to go. Beauty salons are also like a temple; however, the difference is that we go to worship in the temple and in the beauty salon we go to be worshipped by the beauticians and by the otherRead MoreWhat You Learn in Cosmetology Schol1395 Words  | 6 PagesIn Cosmetology school, the students will learn many things. Most schools start out in the classroom for four to eight weeks. In the classroom, everyone typically learns the state law first. After that students will learn sanitation rules and procedures. He or she then moves on to the history of Cosmetology. After that, students learn the basics and fundamentals of cutting, coloring, chemical services, styling, nails, skin, and waxing. Some things that vary from school to school are the color systemsRead MoreDillard s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, And Threats1272 Words  | 6 Pagesinformation would be helpful in developing a proposal and portions would lead directly to our proposal. It will be discussed in the proposal analysis how our proposal is associated with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Dillard’s and shed some light on how these areas of research led to the proposal of Dillard’s implementing beauty salons in their existing stores across the United States. When we were thinking of Dillard’s strengths as a company we came up with three areas that weRead MoreThe Operations Management Procedures That Will Take Place At My Service Oriented Salon Based Business985 Words  | 4 Pagesservice oriented salon based business. I will also describe the inputs, operations processes, and outputs that pertain to â€Å"Eli’s Beauty Services†. In addition, I will describe how customer needs will be addressed in my business and the beauty shop’s core competencies. Moreover, I will identify competitors, compare my service offerings to theirs, and elaborate upon the quality unique distinction of my business from rivals. The Service Oriented Business My business will provide beauty and relaxationRead MoreSalon Evaluation Essay813 Words  | 4 PagesProject @ Cosmo Beauty Academy â€Å"Salon Design amp; Build†By Thomas Blazak amp; Felicia Rosales The purpose of this essay is to inform you of how we would build a booth rental salon in an existing building. In this essay you will find the projected overall cost of the tenant improvements to the existing building, the projected start up cost of the new salon, and the overall budget analysis of income vs. expenses. We will start with a generalized business plan of operating a salon with 4 hairstylistsRead MoreCreating a Business- Original Writing Essay1295 Words  | 6 PagesCreating a Business- Original Writing For my GCSE business studies coursework I am going to create a business. The name of my business will be â€Å"paradise palace†as I am creating a beauty and tanning salon. There are two types of business organisations that I could create they are sole trader and partnership. The first type of business organisation tat I could choose is sole trader. This is a person who trades by himself/herself without the use of a company structureRead MoreInterview Analysis : Dehra Battle1211 Words  | 5 PagesThe entrepreneur that I choose to interview was, Dehra Battle. She is the owner and stylist at her own salon called, Hair Savvy Hair and Nail Salon. The salon opened up on the Spring of 2010. I have known Dehra for the past 10 years. She has been my personal hair stylist for the last 10 years. Being a close family friend, I have seen her trials and tribulations with opening her own salon. I choose Dehra, because she is a wonderful and hard working woman, who put her passion for helping others withRead MoreMy Experience At Hair Savvy Hair And Nail Salon1107 Words  | 5 PagesThe entrepreneur I interviewed was, Dehra Battle. She is the owner and stylist at Hair Savvy Hair and Nail Salon. The salon opened up on the Spring of 2010. I have known Dehra for the past 10 years. She has been my personal hair stylist for the last 10 years. Being a close family friend, I have witness ed her trials and tribulations with being an entrepreneur. I choose Dehra, because she is a wonderful and hard working woman; she has a passion for helping others with self esteem by creating signatureRead MoreThe Treatment Of Massage Therapy1095 Words  | 5 Pages Many cosmetologists dream of getting their license and wanting to start their own business or salon. But running a salon is not as easy as it sounds. One of the hardest part about running a salon is to keep the clients that you have accumulated throughout your hard work. Without the clients there s no money and the business goes down. Maintaining the available budget is also one of the hardest things about running a salon. There are many products that will need to be bought, bills to pay staffRead MoreExploring Cosmetology Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pagescosmetologist does? Do you think you have the skill and patience it takes to become a cosmetologist? The basics of becoming a cosmetologist and why it is so commo n in today’s world will be explained in the following paragraphs. â€Å"A cosmetologist is a beauty specialist who is educated in treating the hair, skin, and nails†(McKay). Some of the services that are required of a cosmetologist include but are not limited to: shampooing, hair, treating disorders, haircuts or trims, and styling hair (Chronicle
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Child Called It Free Essays
A Child Called â€Å"It†is a true story based on one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. It is a twisted, brutal, and emotional book about the childhood of the author Dave Pelzer and his alcoholic mother who played many sick games on him as a child. It is about his struggles everyday to live and go on and try to beat his mother in her games. We will write a custom essay sample on A Child Called It or any similar topic only for you Order Now Until he is one day taken away by the Daly City Police Department and put in custody of the San Mateo Juvenile Department. His mother, Catherine Pelzer, started out as the perfect mother. Loving, caring, fun, nice, and she and her husband, Stephen, took Dave and his siblings on many trips to different places in California and all around the United States. Until one day things changed in the Pelzer household, Catherine and Stephen began arguing. The arguing caused Catherine to take all of her pent up aggression out on Dave, which is when the abuse started. She first began the abuse by burning him on a gas stove and then the abuse got much worse and she began playing â€Å"games†on him and not feeding him until his chores were done in a certain time. If they were not done in the allotted time, he was not fed that day. His father first began trying to help Dave, by sneaking him food whenever he was home from work and trying to convince Dave that things would get better in the Pelzer household. Until one day, he was caught. When Stephen was caught, arguing broke out and the â€Å"games†played on Stephen became a lot worse and more brutal than ever before. Stephen Pelzer began not coming home after work but would instead drink all night at bars and stay at hotels to avoid the arguing with his wife. Dave Pelzer,the protagonist, first began scared that the beatings and the â€Å"games†would never stop. He began to tell himself that he couldn’t give up and that he had to try his mother at her own â€Å"games†and try to survive everyday or his mother would end up killing him. But as time went on and he was beginning to be fed less and less, he decided to come up with different plans to feed himself everyday. So he came up with the plan that everyday he was going to get to school extra early and steal food out of the other children’s lunchboxes. Then one day children began complaining that they had food missing and then then the principal decided that Dave was stealing the food. So the principal called his mother, and the beatings gotten severely worse. Another plan he came up with is that during his lunch hour, he was going to go the grocery store and steal food during the hour. But this plan did not last long when he was caught by the manager, and he called the school and he was then reported to his mother and the beating got even worse. In the end, the nurse saw all the wounds that his mother had inflicted on him and the nurse and the principal talked about it. They then decided that they would report his wounds to the police department. The San Mateo Juvenile Department then took custody of Dave and he was removed from the household. His mother was never arrested but Dave was moved into foster care and he was never abused again. How to cite A Child Called It, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
The Lean-to Roof Kits with a great variety of components free essay sample
There are various options available for the Lean-to Roof Kits with a great variety of components. The lean to the roof can be Canopy or conservatory. The lean is generally available in two colors, brown or white and it can be of glass too. Further, the polycarbonate sheet can be any standard dimension ranging from 16mm to 35mm. One thing has to be taken care of is that the while considering roof kits instead of horizontal distance the bar length of the roof should be measured. The Roof Kits consists of one Wall Plate, a Ring Beam, and intermediate Glazing Bars. Polycarbonate Sheet should be matching with the size of roof kit. Lean to roofing kits can also make you adjust with the perfect quality of PVC Sheets that are designed with the appropriate quality of closure that provides protection to the front edges of the laid down polycarbonate sheets. Even buying a proper and good quality Roof Kit would enable you to make orders taking all your time and having a peaceful mind. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lean-to Roof Kits with a great variety of components or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The roofing kits contain each and everything of your requirement to build up your roof and protect it from severe scratches. The professional must be hired in case of severe complication and they would surely make the repairs happen much faster. The clients must know some of the major point’s that can be considered as the exclusive features for choosing upon the roofing kits.They are as follows:†¢ The kits are certainly made up of the best quality materials that are of highly durable and quality materials†¢ The roofing kits are available in various ranges in the context of several sizes and features. The finishing style even differs for each of the kits.On considering the aspects of lean-to roof kits, it must be noted down that the kits only and rigidly uses the polycarbonates, though they used the support glass they consider the use of polycarbonates to be authentic enough.The reason for choosing polycarbonate is very clear enough as the material is quite strong, considerably almost 200 times stronger than glass and is quite resistant to heat and all other natural impacts. They have an immense goodwill of resisting the hard hits of footballs as well as
Saturday, March 28, 2020
The Pearl Essays (1016 words) - The Pearl, Cinema Of Mexico
The Pearl MATERIAL SOCIETY, MATERIAL THOUGHTS Ever since Midas' lust for gold, it appears to be that man has acquired a greed and appetite for wealth. Juana, the Priest, and the doctor have all undergone a change due to money. They are all affected by their hunger for wealth and inturn are the base for their own destruction, and the destruction of society. Steinbeck's "The Pearl" is a study of man's self destruction through greed. Juana, the faithful wife of Kino, a paltry peasant man, had lived a spiritual life for what had seemed like as long as she could remember. When her son Coyito fell ill from the bite of a scorpion, she eagerly turned towards the spiritual aspects of life. Beginning to pray for her son's endangered life. The doctor who had resided in the upper-class section of the town, refused to assistant the child, turning them away when they arrived at the door. Lastly they turned to the sea to seek their fortune. When Juana set sight on the "Pearl of The World." she felt as though all her prayers had been answered, if she could have foreseen the future what she would have seen would have been a mirror image of her reality. Juana's husband was caught in a twisted realm of mirrors, and they were all shattering one by one. In the night he heard a "sound so soft that it might have been simply a thought..." and quickly attacked the trespasser. This is where the problems for Juana and her family began. The fear that had mounted in Kino's body had taken control over his actions. Soon even Juana who had always had faith in her husband, had doubted him greatly. "It will destroy us all" she yelled as her attempt to rid the family of the pearl had failed. Kino had not listened however, and soon Juana began to lose her spiritual side and for a long time she had forgotten her prayers that had at once meant so much to her. She had tried to help Kino before to much trouble had aroused, only to discover that she was not competent enough to help. A hypocrathic oath is said before each medical student is granted a Doctors degree. In the oath they swear to aid the ill, and cure the injured. In the village of La Paz there lived a doctor who had earned his wealth by helping those that were ill and could afford his services. Not once in his long career would he have dared refuse to aid a wealthy lawyer or noblemen. However when Kino and the group of money hungry peasants arrived at his door with a poisoned child he had refused them entry saying "Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for `little Indians'? I am a doctor, not a veterinary." for the doctor had known that the peasants hadn't any money. He had been to Paris and had enjoyed the splendors of the world, and therefore he wouldn't be seen dealing with the less fortunate as he knew that the less fortunate would surely always be just that-less fortunate. However it seemed that he had been stereotypical of the less fortunate, as he soon discovered when hearing of a great pearl discovered by the peasants who had knocked upon his door earlier that day. A hunger for wealth was what pushed him to visit the peasants house and aid their destitute son. However he had already ended Coyito's life without knowing he'd done so, for if he had administered aid to Coyito when they were first at the doctors door, Kino would have no reason to seek his fortune in the ocean, and would not be led down the road to hardships. One might think that a doctor, one who has the image of being passive, and caring should not stoop to such a level. When one is down on their luck, chances are they will turn to superstition in hope to acquire what it is that they would want to achieve. A good example of this would be a good luck charm such as a rabbit's foot. In La Paz the peasants were uneducated and probably had never
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Functions and Roles of Law essays
Functions and Roles of Law essays Ideally, a legal system should be a direct reflection of the society at any given time. What does one consider to be the main functions of the law in his/her society? To answer this question, one has to define precisely what law really is. The definition I like the most is very simple. Law is a set of rules to live by. There are descriptions of many different social functions of the law that can be found in various law books: promoting social freedom, keeping the peace and protecting the environment, promoting economic growth and many others. However, I think that the two main functions of the law are to maintain social cohesion and to keep up with social progress. Social cohesion is the bonding of people into a group extensive shared benefits and consequent actions. The law functions to maintain and establish social cohesion by reinforcing values; establishing patterns of acceptable conduct; providing dispute settling mechanisms and processes; providing law-making and law reform bodies and processes (Green, 1994). Social cohesion preserves the principle value of a given society by: implementing laws that outline standards of acceptable conduct; by providing institutions and processes that cater for the making of laws and resolution of disputes in a peaceful fashion; and by providing agencies that promote law reforms and changes. In todays society, the current legal system permits people great freedom, and regulates this freedom by setting limits. If these limits are breached, it means that one has just broken the law. Seems very easy. Unfortunately, it is not that cut and dry in a real world. The limits that define what is against the law and what is not are being tested in courts every day. There are many loopholes and ways around these precious limits. The good news is that people become used to acting within limits behaving in acceptable patterns. Todays legal system and law provide courts, tribunals,...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
CMG301 MOD 3 CA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
CMG301 MOD 3 CA - Essay Example On receipt of the customers’ notice of dissatisfaction, the contractor will first attempt to resolve any outstanding issues directly with the customer. If this does not resolve the customers’ complaints, the matter will be referred to the State of Washington Contractors’ Association for mediation. Only if this does not resolve the matter are the parties free to litigate their differences. Unless otherwise agreed to by the contractor, the remaining $750 must be paid within 30 days of the customers’ acceptance of the work. 2) The remaining $500 still owing must then be paid in 5 consecutive monthly installments, with the first one due within 60 days of work completion and receipt of a final invoice. These deferred payments are subject to a 10% interest charge payable with the first installment. Therefore the deferred payments will be $100 each, with the exception of the first one which will be $150. The deferred payments including interest will be $550 and under this plan the total cost of the contract will be $1050. If this option is accepted by the contractor, this will be confirmed by an amendment to the contract signed by both
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Compare malcolm x and martin luther king jr Essay
Compare malcolm x and martin luther king jr - Essay Example Malcolm grew as a bright student but an incident of racial discrimination in his class made him leave the school and he shifted to Boston. His encounter with subtle racism helped develop his anti-white views later in his life. He was engaged in anti-social activities in Boston and ultimately ended up in prison. He was a representation of the struggle of black people during this time and did not have any faith in Christianity (Shabazz, Haley & X, 5). On the other hand Martin Luther King Jr. pursued the footsteps of his father and attained the position of a minister. He attained his pastorship for the first time in 1955 when he was 25 years of age. Both the personalities took part in politics and both had extraordinary power in delivering speech. However while Malcom X was a vehement preacher for the blacks and called for their organization against the white whom he blamed for all the misfortunes of America, he changed his views later and called for inclusion of whites, in contrast to his anti-white ideologies. On the other hand Luther King was a preacher of non violence who tactfully and persuasively focused on the conflicts of state interest and civic duty, being aware of the privileges obtained by the whites of Birmingham. Martin Luther King Jr. ... With a tone of peaceful persuasion, he suggests some imaginative solutions to adjust with changing times with respect to the power of hope, optimism, and nonviolence strategy and finally a dream. All these would call for brave reaction under challenging circumstances. His careful reasoning is meant to influence his audience and delivers the underlying message unfolding the conflict of civic duty and the interests of the state that exist. He explains that he was asked by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to help in the struggle for civil rights in Birmingham and this prevalence of injustice brought him there. He did not want to see his people treated unequally and as second-class citizens who have often been victims of broken promises on behalf of the state. Therefore his presence was motivated by a desire to create a continuous organization, give shape to a struggle and clear cut vision along with devising of a plan which could turn their defeats into triumphs. His fellow clergymen had asked him not to come to Birmingham, yet he was there due to the presence of injustice and he did not have the mindset to sit back and watch the demonstrations passively. Coming to Malcom X’s mode of struggle, one finds his strong involvement with the Nation of Islam after coming in contact with Elijah Muhammad’s views. He became actively involved as he became the minister of the Nation of Islam. His involvement and encounters of racial discrimination began from his early childhood itself. His position now gave him the power to raise his voice in favor of righteousness. As a prominent personality he started to present his views on white America and racial politics. His
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Peace Of Mind Philosophy Essay
The Peace Of Mind Philosophy Essay Peace of mind is one of those instants in life that are hard to describe, but easy to know. We all know the sensation. In those fleeting instants, there are no doubts, anxieties, or cares. For a flash, life is totally under modification. It is a sensation that we all wish in life, but it is few, far between, and brief. At least it seems that way. Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. It all surprises with the basic desire to be satisfied. Everybody wants to be happy. Even if someone privileges they want to be unhappy, seeking that unhappy state really makes them happy. Joy cannot occur without peace. In fact, echo on happy instants will also present peace. Happiness cannot openly coincide with chaos, making peace of mind dangerous. If it seems like they overlap, dig deeper and they will begin to distinguish. Since pleasure cannot occur in a state that without peace, it is serious that a mindset of peace be recognized in our lives. Another reason why peace of mind is invaluable is our sole chance to change our boldness. When things are going unwell, we still have the aptitude to keep a positive approach. Of course, no positive approach can be shown without adopting peace of mind. Charles R. Swindolls quote concerning our approach still rings very true: I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with youwe are in charge of our attitudes. C:UsersYashDesktopimages (4).jpg From the instant we have our first day of school, to the time we advance from University, we are trained many basic abilities that build our traits. In order to have people consent you, using these qualities is a must. Generosity; being a huge characteristic, is one we should join into our simplest jobs. Not only can a small amount of generosity change a life, it can make you sense good and it can make you an improved person. Being generous is a vital value that we should use every day. While fluctuating someones life with your richness of generosity is essential, how you sense while you do it is also very important. By knowing the influence you are having on someones life, sensation will become good about yourself and that is inevitable. Taking a few hours out of your day to help someone can be very pleasing. Whether that be serving a blind person cross the street, advancing someone a few bucks or helping an older person with their shopping. Sometimes generosity needs pushing past a feeling of unwillingness because we all impulsively want to keep worthy things for ourselves. Even so, we can construct our lives in ways that make generosity more natural and fun. When we deliberately live below our means and evade over commitment, we nurture a sense of abundance or extra that makes us neediness to share. When we give, we reap the liking of knowing we have made someone elses life cheerier. C:UsersYashDesktopimages (6).jpg Reasons that lead us to change and progress: freedom, power, knowledge, and immortality Progress of an individual according to Shri Aurobindo depends on the free growth of the individuals which the state tends to suppress. State suppresses free growth of individuals as it ignores natural variation and governs human life by rigid uniform rules. However uniformity according to Sri Aurobindo suppresses individual development and without progress of the individual society also cannot progress. He says, Always it is individual who progress and completes the rest to progress Sri Aurobindos main philosophical work, The Life Divine, opens with a chapter entitled The Human Aspiration. It addresses the urge for progress, the yearning for freedom, light, and perfection, which is so consistently contradicted by our immediate experience, but which still seems to be one of our most typical and most persistent human traits. Sri Aurobindo sees this urge for progress as an expression in the individual of a much vaster movement in nature, a movement that shows itself most clearly in the, at first sight rather improbable, evolution of life and mind out of matter. The first condition of inner progress is to recognize whatever is or has been a wrong movement in any part of the nature,-wrong idea, wrong feeling, wrong speech, wrong action,-and by wrong is meant what departs from the truth, from the higher consciousness and higher self, from the way of the Divine. Once recognized it is admitted, not glossed over or defended,-and it is offered to the Divine for the Light and Grace to descend and substitute for it the right movement of the true Consciousness. (Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, Vol. 23, p. 661) THE WHOLE burden of our human progress has been an attempt to escape from the bondage to the body and the vital impulses. According to the scientific theory, the human being began as the animal, developed through the savage and consummated in the modern civilised man. The Indian theory is different. God created the world by developing the many out of the One and the material out of the spiritual. From the beginning, the objects which compose the physical world were arranged by Him in their causes, developed under the law of their being in the subtle or psychical world and then manifested in the gross or material world. Once manifested in matter the world proceeds by laws which do not change, from age to age, by a regular succession, until it is all withdrawn back again into the source from which it came. The material goes back into the psychical and the psychical is involved in its cause or seed. It is again put out when the period of expansion recurs and runs its course on similar l ines but with different details till the period of contraction is due. Hinduism regards the world as a recurrent series of phenomena of which the terms vary but the general formula abides the same. The theory is only acceptable if we recognize the truth of the conception formulated in the Vishnu Purana of the world as developments of ideas in the Universal Intelligence which lies at the root of all material phenomena and by its indwelling force shapes the growth of the tree and the evolution of the clod as well as the development of living creatures and the progress of mankind. Whether we take the modern scientific or the ancient Hindu standpoint the progress of humanity is a fact. The wheel of Brahma rotates forever but it does not turn in the same place; its rotations carry it forward. Human moderation is usually a wiseacre and a botcher; it sews a patch of new velvet on old fustian or of new fustian on old velvet and admires its deplorable handiwork. And its cautious advance means an accumulation of shams, fictions and dead conventions till the burden of falsehood becomes too great for life to bear and a violent revolution is necessary to deliver the soul of humanity out of the immobilizing cerements of the past. Such is the type of our progress; it is the advance of an ignorant and purblind but always light-attracted spirit, a being half-animal, half-god, stumbling forward through the bewildering jungle of its own errors. C:UsersYashDownloads6a00d834520ed269e20133f2816eef970b500wi.jpg If the only prayer you say in your life is thank you, that would suffice. Meister Eckhart Gratitude means appreciation, together with your blessing, noticing simple joys, and acknowledging everything that you get. It means knowledge to live your life as if everything were a vision, and being attentive on a constant basis of how much youve been given. Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. In addition, behavioral and psychological research has shown the surprising life improvements that can stem from the practice of gratitude. Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, it strengthens relationships, it improves health, and it reduces stress. Gratitude heightens quality of life A large body of recent work has suggested that people who are more grateful have higher levels of subjective well-being. Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and social relationships. Grateful people also have higher levels of control of their environments, personal growth, purpose in life, and self-acceptance. Grateful people have more positive ways of coping with the difficulties they experience in life, being more likely to seek support from other people, reinterpret and grow from the experience, and spend more time planning how to deal with the problem. Grateful people also have less negative coping strategies, being less likely to try to avoid the problem, deny there is a problem, blame themselves, or cope through substance use. Grateful people sleep better, and this seems to be because they think less negative and more positive thoughts just before going to sleep. Gratitude has been said to have one of the strongest links with mental health of any character trait. Numerous studies suggest that grateful people are more likely to have higher levels of happiness and lower levels of stress and depression. In one study concerning gratitude, participants were randomly assigned to one of six therapeutic intervention conditions designed to improve the participants overall quality of life (Seligman et. all. 2005). Out of these conditions, it was found that the biggest short-term effects came from a gratitude visit where participants wrote and delivered a letter of gratitude to someone in their life. This condition showed a rise in happiness scores by 10 percent and a significant fall in depression scores, results which lasted up to one month after the visit. While many emotions and personality traits are important to well-being, there is evidence that gratitude may be uniquely important. First, a longitudinal study showed that people who were more grateful coped better with a life transition. Specifically, people who were more grateful before the transition were less stressed, less depressed, and more satisfied with their relationships three months later. Second, two recent studies have suggested that gratitude may have a unique relationship with well-being, and can explain aspects of well-being that other personality traits cannot. Both studies showed that gratitude was able to explain more well-being than the Big Five and 30 of the most commonly studied personality traits Comparison with indebtedness Gratitude is not the same as indebtedness. While both emotions occur following help, indebtedness occurs when a person perceives that they are under an obligation to make some repayment of compensation for the aid. The emotions lead to different actions; indebtedness can motivate the recipient of the aid to avoid the person who has helped them, whereas gratitude can motivate the recipient to seek out their benefactor and to improve their relationship with them. QUOTES True forgiveness is when you can say, Thank you for that experience. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ Oprah Winfrey Heart of Gratitude As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy Act with kindness, but do not expect gratitude. Confucius Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ John F. Kennedy Gratitude is a form of worship in its own right, as it implies the acceptance of a power greater than yourself. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ Stephen Richards Be attached to nothing. Be grateful for everything. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ David Che, Total Law of Attraction: Unleash Your Secret Creative Power To Get What You Want! Gratitude of heart can often be seen in a generous spirit. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ Our Daily Bread devotions
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Evolution Of American Society Essay
Following the War of1812, Americans started to feel the spirit of nationalism. Proud of what they achieved, Americans started to expand westward. This dramatic rise in expansion helped mold the American society as it separated from the Old World. This migration produced â€Å"profound effect on the nation’s economy. Likewise, the westward movement also played out in the Civil War. It brought people of diverse backgrounds to convene and associate with each other, some with favorable outcomes, others were deemed â€Å"disastrous†. The expansion fever is indeed a major step unification of the United States. Several reasons were cited for this westward expansion: population and economic burdens, vast lands in the West, and the weakened Indian resistance making them migrate to the West. The growth of population in the East grew dramatically that people started to notice how dense the areas had become. By 1820, the population had reached 9. 6 million. The increasing population was caused either naturally or through immigration. European immigration rapidly grew in the country, most of whom were Germans and Irish. The influx of Germans and Irish in the country was mainly due to liberal revolution that plagued Germany and potato famine that ravaged Ireland. Such migration to the country affected the population that some people started to pack up and look for a new home. Furthermore, the growing population also affected the economy of the region. The lands in the east were all occupied, with some becoming depleted already. This caused the settlers to find new agricultural lands. Their search led them to the west. Settling in the west, they started to cultivate the lands, raise families, created communities and institutions such as schools, churches, and stores. It served as the foundation for the formation of American society. Additionally, trading started to look up for the white settlers. Mexico, which controlled Texas and California at that time, proved to be a perfect opportunity for white settlers to move eastward. Mexico opened its trade and the white settlers grabbed it. They sold their trades at a low price and eventually were able to depose of the Mexicans and Indian traders in the area. They would also settle in the region, with some of the settlers marrying Indian and Mexican women. After the War of 1812, the federal government sought a policy that would move Indian tribes to the west. The government also created a â€Å"factor system†which provided the tribes with goods at a certain cost. This did not only help the Native Americans but also the government in transacting with them. In 1830, the Indian Removal Law was passed, which enabled the President to do land exchanges. Five tribes exchanged their lands in the east of Mississippi for lands in the west. The years that follow saw the rise of the Industrial revolution. The outburst in transportation, communication, and technology further helped the country’s expansion. The creation of the Erie Canal paved the way for the Canal Age. The construction proved to be valuable to the nation’s economy. It facilitated faster transfer of goods for merchants. Another breakthrough was the railroad system. By 1840, railroads replaced canals and were used not just for merchandise for but migration as well. This also contributed to the enlargement of the population of the country in the west. The settlement in the west opened up a lot of roads in the country- creation of new states, better economic opportunities, and enlarging the population of the country, which paved the way for the evolution of the American society. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brinkley, Alan. American History A Survey 11th ed. USA: McGraw-Hill, 2003. May, Ernest and Winthrop Jordan. The American People A History to 1877. Illinois: McDougal, Littell and Company, 1989.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Storm Born Chapter Fourteen
I saw Kiyo a few times in the next week. One of those times I was out on a job, doing an exorcism that turned out to be a setup. The house I'd gone into had no spirit but rather an asag: a demonic creature that literally had a rocklike body. Kiyo had shown up in the midst of the fight, and while I'd thought I had things well in hand, his help sure expedited matters. He didn't use any weapons like I did; he was all body and physical force. Watching him move was almost hypnotic, like admiring a dancer. His other appearances were similar, showing up when needed and then retreating if I wanted. Once, I reluctantly agreed to lunch after a fight. He watched me with those hungry eyes the entire time, but everything else was friendly and easy between us. It was like when we'd met in the bar, all breezy banter and connection – underscored with simmering sexual tension. All the other times I saw him, he trailed me around as a fox. And, as much as I hated to admit it†¦he was right. He was pretty cute. Life was busy now. Whereas before I'd had maybe only one or two jobs a week, I now had at least one every day. Apparently the gentry and other creatures hoping to get a piece of me realized they no longer had to seek me out; I would come to them if they bothered the right human. It was annoying, to say the least – and exhausting. Of course, since these fights occurred through clients and contracted jobs, I got paid for them. It became a very rich few weeks, though I felt a little bad since my clients never would have needed to pay in the first place if not for me. I woke up a couple weeks before Beltane, aching and exhausted. I'd had two jobs and an â€Å"unscheduled†fight last night. Staring at my ceiling, at the way the late morning sun filtered into funny shapes through my blinds, I drowsily wondered if I was going to be able to keep this up. I'd lose to the Otherworld not through any one encounter, but simply via my own fatigue. I trudged to the kitchen and found no morning offering from Tim. He must have stayed the night with one of his groupies. Forced to make my own breakfast, I put two chocolate Pop-Tarts in the toaster and fixed coffee while they cooked. Glancing at the table, I saw that my cell phone displayed four missed calls. I'd taken to turning it off, because the calls were always from Lara, and I didn't feel like hearing them anymore. She'd either want to offer me a new job or tell me that Wil Delaney had left yet another message. I was halfway through my second Pop-Tart when my mom showed up. I hadn't seen her since the confrontation. For a moment, I considered not letting her in, but I promptly dismissed the thought. She was my mom, after all. She loved me. No matter what had happened, I couldn't let go of that intrinsic truth. She was the one who'd doused my scratches with antiseptic when I was little – and not so little – and tried unsuccessfully to interest me in shopping and makeup as a teenager. She'd tried to protect me from the ugly truths that everyone has to discover growing up. She'd tried to protect me from the path Roland had set me on. And now it seemed she'd tried to protect me from my own past. Looking back, I tried to piece together things she'd said on the rare occasions I could get her to acknowledge my biological father. You're better off without him. He wasn't the kind of man anyone could count on. We didn't have a healthy relationship when we were together. There was a lot of emotion, a lot of intensity†¦but it ending was for the best. He's gone – just accept he'll never be a part of your life. She'd never exactly lied, I realized, but I'd interpreted the story in a completely different way. I'd read it as a whirlwind affair, one in which her emotions blinded her. With all the bad things she'd implied about his character, I'd just figured he'd up and left one day, unable to handle the responsibilities involved with taking care of me. Little did I know he'd desperately wanted me back. I offered her a seat at the table, handing her a cup of coffee at the same time. She held it with both hands, lacing her fingers in a nervous gesture. Her hair was braided down her back today, and she wore a red blouse. â€Å"You look tired,†she said after a long stretch of silence. I smiled. It was such a mom thing to say. â€Å"Yeah. It's been a busy week.†â€Å"Are you sleeping enough?†â€Å"I'm sleeping. Sort of. I'm just too busy when I'm awake, that's the problem.†She looked up, nervously meeting my eyes as though afraid of what she might find. â€Å"Busy†¦because of†¦?†â€Å"Yeah,†I said, knowing what she meant. She looked back down. â€Å"I'm sorry. I'm sorry about all of this.†I dunked a piece of Pop-Tart into my coffee. â€Å"It's not your fault. You didn't decide to go to the Otherworld.†â€Å"No†¦but you were right the other day. I was wrong to keep it from you.†â€Å"I was too harsh then.†â€Å"No.†Her eyes met mine, wide and sad. â€Å"I think I thought†¦that if I kept it from you, maybe I could make it go away. Like pretending enough would make it so that it had never happened. I could forget too.†I didn't like to see my mom sad. I don't think anyone does unless they're trying to take revenge for some traumatic childhood wrong. Maybe I had been wronged to a certain extent, but in reflection, it probably couldn't compare to what had happened to her. I knew she had been older when abducted, but in my mind's eye, I could see my mother looking like Jasmine, young and scared. Based on the stories I'd heard before the Storm King paternity news, I'd always envisioned my conception as the result of a torrid affair my scumbag father later walked out on. But that wasn't it at all. The truth was worse. I was a child of rape, born from violence and domination. â€Å"Every time you see me†¦do I remind you of him? Of what happened?†Compassion washed over her face. â€Å"Oh, baby, no. You're the best thing in my life. Don't think like that.†â€Å"Do I look like him at all? Everyone says I take after you.†She studied me as though seeking out the answer, but I knew she already had to know. â€Å"Your hair, a little. But mostly†¦in the eyes. You got those from him. His eyes were like†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She had to clear her throat to go on. â€Å"They always changed. They ran every shade of blue and gray you can imagine, depending on his mood. Sky blue when he was happy. Midnight blue when troubled. Deep gray when he was angry and about to fight.†â€Å"And what about violet?†I asked. â€Å"Violet when he was feeling†¦amorous.†I'd never heard my mom use that word before. It might have been funny, but mostly it made me consider adding a shot of whiskey to my coffee. Jesus. I'd gotten the eye color my dad had when he was in the mood. So many people complimented me on my eyes, yet to her, they had to bring back memories that were anything but amorous, as far as she was concerned. â€Å"I'm sorry, Mom.†I reached out and held her hand, our first contact since I'd stormed from her house. â€Å"It must have been so awful†¦but were there – were there any moments, even a few, when you were happy at all? Or at least not so unhappy?†Surely†¦surely there had been one moment when it had not all been hatred and sorrow between my parents. Surely I could not have been conceived and born out of so much darkness. There had to have been something. Maybe he'd made her smile just once. Or maybe he'd brought her a gift†¦like a necklace recovered after some looting and pillaging. I didn't know. Just something. Anything. â€Å"No.†Her voice was hoarse. â€Å"I hated it all. Every second.†I swallowed back a thickness in my throat, and suddenly all I could think about was Jasmine. Jasmine. More than five years younger than my mom had been. Jasmine had been subjected to the same things. She had to have those moments of agony too. Maybe her misplaced affection for Aeson was the only way to cope. Maybe it was better than hurting all the time. I didn't know. I closed my eyes briefly. All I could see was my mom as Jasmine and Jasmine as my mom. I opened my eyes. â€Å"We didn't get Jasmine.†I realized I'd never told her that when I'd come over to talk to her. Briefly, I recounted the essential details. Her face blanched as I spoke, and her raw hurt clawed at something inside of me. Jasmine as my mom. My mom as Jasmine. â€Å"Oh God,†she whispered when I finished. â€Å"Yeah, I – â€Å" Cold flowed over me. The faintest electric tingle tugged at my flesh. â€Å"What's wrong?†my mom asked, seeing me stiffen. â€Å"Can't you feel that? The cold?†She looked puzzled. â€Å"No. Are you okay?†I stood up. She couldn't feel it because it wasn't actually a physical thing. It was something beyond normal human senses. On the counter sat my athames, gun, and wand. I didn't go anywhere in the house without them now, not even to the bathroom. I also didn't sleep in anything too delicate anymore. The tank top I wore was still lacy and flimsy, but my pajama pants were cotton with a sturdy elastic waistband. I draped my robe over a chair and considered my armament. I could tell it wasn't gentry. It was a spirit or demon. Silver, then, not iron. The Glock already had a silver cartridge in it but would have questionable effectiveness if the spirit had little substance. I carefully placed it under my waistband and then picked up the silver athame and wand. â€Å"Stay in here, Mom.†â€Å"Eugenie, what's – â€Å" â€Å"Just stay,†I commanded. â€Å"Get under the table.†She looked at my face and complied. I guess you couldn't be an Otherworld abductee and married to a shaman without knowing when to take these things seriously. I moved slowly and stealthily toward the living room because that was where the feeling centered. I heard no noise, but the silence screamed louder than any sound. I put my back to the wall, sliding along it to peer around the corner. Nothing. Whatever it was, it couldn't hurt me and stay invisible. It would have to turn substantial to do any real damage. The weird thing was, a spirit also couldn't get me pregnant, not like gentry or some of the monsters could. Spirits were dead, and that was that. One seeking me out seemed odd. I waited, back up against the edge of the doorway as I peered around the living room. Whatever was going to happen would happen here. It was like a vortex. Power flowed both in and out of this spot. Something cold brushed against my arm, and then a hand materialized, grabbing hold of me. My reflexes snapped to life, and I cut at the spirit's wrist with the athame in my other hand. The spirit had enough substance to feel the effects of the metal. Plus, the athame's power extended beyond tactile discomfort. The spirit – a gray, haglike thing – recoiled, but then I felt more cold hands behind me and gave a quick glance back. Five more spirits – more than I'd ever taken on at once. I spun around, but my initial attacker's position was better, giving it a solid hold on me. I didn't break free of its grip entirely, but I struggled like hell, accidentally hitting a small table with a ceramic pitcher on it. The pitcher hit the floor and splintered into sharp, aqua-colored fragments. The spirit pushed me up against the wall, its skeletal hands clutching at my throat while it stared at me with empty black eyes. It floated such that while it kept me pinned, it stayed out of reach of the athame. It wasn't out of the reach of the wand, however. Its ghostly companions drifted over, ringing us, as my oxygen began to dry up. Black stars sparkled in my vision, and I tried hard to focus on what I needed to do. â€Å"Be careful,†warned one of the observers, â€Å"or you will kill her.†Hecate, I prayed in my head, open the gates. On the edge of passing out, I felt the snake on my arm tingle. I used that power, letting the farthest limits of my mind brush the Otherworld. I became the gate, a conduit of passage running from my soul to the snake to the wand. The hands on my throat wouldn't let me speak, but the banishing words burned in my mind. It was good enough. The wand's power flared out at the spirit holding me. It realized too late what had happened and vanished with a piteous scream. One of its counterparts started to move toward me and got sucked away with the other. The other four kept their distance. Meanwhile, I had backed up as much as possible. I needed to open the gates again, but my body informed me I had to allow a moment's recovery time before going a second round. My throat hurt inside and out from where the spirit had choked me, and the room spun around as I staggered. I took deep, shaking breaths in an attempt to recover what I'd lost. Two more spirits bore down on me but hesitated a little this time, still keeping some space between us. They circled me, like dancers or boxers, each of us determining what the other would do. Just then, my mom came out of the kitchen holding my iron athame. Screaming, she drove it against one of the other spirit's backs, hacking away. Iron hurt gentry – not spirits. All her actions did was annoy it. It turned slightly, and with one oh-so-casual gesture, it backhanded her with enough force to throw her against the far wall. She hit the wall and slid down into an unmoving pile. I yelled my fury, charging the spirits around me. Strong emotion is better for physical attacks but not mental ones, and I lost whatever grip I'd momentarily had on the Otherworld. The athame caused some damage to one of the spirits, but the other dodged. It hit me hard, shoving me into my entertainment center. The sharp corners dug into my back, but the adrenaline pumping through me wouldn't let me feel it. Not yet. I muttered another incantation to Hecate and felt the power shoot up again. The spirit who had thrown me drifted forward. The gates swung open, and I banished it away. Moments later, its injured counterpart followed. That left two. One of them swooped in, reaching out for me. I ducked past it, hitting the floor, where I half-crawled and half-rolled out of its grasp. My connection to the Otherworld had slipped again; I needed it back. I kept ordering myself to focus, but then I saw my mom lying in the corner. I couldn't get past that. I went after the spirit again, and it hissed angrily as the athame dug into its upper body. I was sloppy, however, and gave one of its hands the opening to grab my wand hand and shove me against the wall. The wand fell to the floor. A moment later, the spirit's other hand twisted my other wrist until I dropped the athame as well. The last spirit floated up and added to the wall around me. Walls were really starting to piss me off lately. They had me now, trapped and defenseless and injured. I didn't know what exactly they could do, however. Earlier they'd worried about killing me, yet they could have no romantic interest in me. What could they – My patio door opened, and an elemental walked in. An elemental made of mud, of all things. Its body was very solid, very human, and very male. Oozing, brown-gray sludge dripped off it and onto my carpet. I renewed my futile efforts to break from the spirits. Volusian's words came back to haunt me. More organized attacks. The spirits couldn't have sex with me, but the elemental gentry could. It had sent its minions to subdue me first. Clever. â€Å"Where are the others?†asked the elemental, an almost comic look of astonishment on his face as he glanced around the room. â€Å"She banished them, master,†whispered one of the spirits. â€Å"You really are lethal, aren't you?†The elemental approached. â€Å"I hadn't believed the stories. I thought sending these six was overkill. Still. I guess even you have your limits.†I sneered at him. â€Å"Don't talk to me about limits. You can't even cross to this world in full form.†A look of displeasure crossed that dripping, muddy face. Power was a matter of pride among the gentry. His inability to cross over fully was probably a sore point. Raping me was undoubtedly a way of compensating for all sorts of deficiencies. â€Å"It won't matter,†he said. â€Å"Once I beget Storm King's heir, all gentry will pass into this world, smiting the race of humans.†â€Å"Okay, Mr. Old Testament. I can't honestly believe you just used ‘beget' and ‘smiting' in the same sentence.†â€Å"So brave and brash. Yet it won't – ow!†I couldn't free my upper body, but the elemental was close enough that I flipped my lower body upward and kicked him. I'd been aiming for the groin, just like with the Gray Man, but caught his thigh instead. The guarding spirit restrained my legs. The elemental narrowed his eyes. â€Å"You make things difficult. This would be far easier on you if you would submit.†â€Å"Don't hold your breath.†â€Å"She will submit, master,†intoned a spirit. â€Å"Her mother lies there on the floor.†I stiffened in the spirit's grip. â€Å"Don't touch her.†The elemental turned and walked toward where my mother had fallen. Almost gently, he leaned down and picked her up in his arms. â€Å"She's still alive.†â€Å"Leave her alone, you bastard!†I screamed. I strained so hard, it felt like my arms would tear from my shoulders. â€Å"Let her go,†ordered the elemental. â€Å"Master – â€Å" â€Å"Let her go. She will not do anything, because she knows if she so much as steps in this direction†– the muddy hand slid up to my mom's throat, leaving a dirty trail wherever he moved – â€Å"then I will snap her neck.†The spirits released me. I did not move. â€Å"I'm going to kill you,†I said. My voice was hoarse from the choking and screaming. â€Å"I'll tear you to pieces before I send you to hell.†â€Å"Unlikely. Not if you want this one to live. Come,†he said to one of his servants. â€Å"Take her.†There was a tradeoff, and now a spirit held my mother. â€Å"If Odile Dark Swan so much as looks threatening, kill this woman.†â€Å"Odile Dark Swan always looks threatening.†The spirit spoke in a deadpan, nonsarcastic voice. Apparently this elemental's minions had as good a sense of humor as my own. â€Å"You know what I mean,†snapped the elemental. He came closer to me, so only a few inches separated us. â€Å"Now. I will let you live. I will let your mother live. All you have to do is not fight me while I do what I've come here to do. When I am finished, we will depart in peace. Do you understand?†Anger and fury were raging in me, and I could feel tears burning at the edges of my vision. I wanted to reach out and claw his eyes. I wanted to kick between his legs until no one could tell if he was male anymore. I wanted to deliver him to Persephone in a pile of body parts. But I was scared. So scared that if I even blinked wrong, they'd break my mother. She already hung uselessly in the spirit's arms like a rag doll. For all I knew, she could have been dead, but something told me she wasn't. I couldn't gamble if she might be alive. So I nodded in acknowledgment to the elemental and felt one of the tears leak out of my eye as I did. â€Å"Good.†He exhaled, and I realized he was as scared of me as I was of him. â€Å"Now. Undress.†Bile rose in my throat. I couldn't get enough oxygen again; it was like the air was thick and heavy around me. Another tear stole from my eye, and I slowly pulled down the pajama pants, removing the gun I hadn't been able to use. It occurred to me briefly that I could probably manage to shoot the elemental right now, but I wouldn't be fast enough to save my mother. What did it matter? If he was telling the truth, I would still live if I could only endure this. I was on the pill. I probably wouldn't actually get pregnant. I'd only have to lay there passively while this big anthropomorphic pile of dirt had his way with me. Things could be worse. Probably. I looked at him, imagining those hands on me. The air grew thicker to me, making it still harder to breathe. The lighting seemed darker, as it had when the spirit choked me, and I wondered if I was going to faint. Maybe it'd be easier that way. Less to remember. â€Å"The rest,†he said impatiently. He too was breathing heavily. I moved my fingers to the edges of my underwear. I had dressed for comfort in plain, gray cotton bikini-cuts. They were nice but not sexy. They didn't match the pink top. Of course, it didn't matter to the elemental what I wore. Naked desire glowed on his face. I stared at the lumpy, misshapen body and worked hard not to whimper. I knew what I had to do, but I didn't want to. Oh, God. Oh, Selene. I didn't want him to touch me. I didn't want him pressed up against me. Nausea rolled up in my stomach, and I wondered desperately where Kiyo was. I knew he couldn't follow me 24/7, and I suddenly regretted my snide comments about his protection. I wished he were here now. I needed him. I'd never felt so defenseless in my life, not even in that long-lost memory. It was not a state of mind I liked. As I was about to pull the panties down, a slap of wood on glass made all of us jump. The elemental jerked his head around, and I followed his gaze. The patio door was open, and the wind had blown in, knocking over a picture frame on my coffee table. It was a strong wind, one that kept blowing, scattering papers and other objects around. Yet, outside, the sunshine and azure skies of late spring reflected no such disturbance. â€Å"What†¦?†began the elemental. That sharp sound had sort of snapped me out of my anger and fear, and I was suddenly able to notice details more sharply. I could see everything with a new clarity. The air really was thick, the lighting truly darker. I hadn't imagined those things. The angry wind rose and fell with my breathing. Brilliant light slashed the dimness, and we all cried out as it danced around from object to object. At the same time, a deafening roar of thunder filled the room, too big and too loud for the small space. I covered my ears and dropped to the floor. The elemental turned on me. â€Å"Make it stop.†â€Å"What†¦?†â€Å"It's yours! Stop, or you'll kill us all.†I looked around and realized he was right. I couldn't explain it, but I was connected to everything going on in there. The building moisture and humidity. The wind whipping around, scattering things. The electricity charging the air. I could feel it, but I didn't know what to do with it. You're mine, I tried telling it, but nothing happened. This was not like trying to control power with a wand or an athame. This was both within me and outside of me. I could no more stop it than I could stop myself from feeling joy or sorrow or hate. The wind increased, its fury building. A jagged piece of glass flew into my cheek. â€Å"I can't control it,†I whispered. â€Å"I can't.†The elemental looked panicked. So did the spirits. Whereas a moment ago I had felt weak and defenseless, their fear made mine go away. Their fear fed my anger, and I fed the building tempest. I couldn't actually control the storm, but it was expanding out from me. Something else hit me in the shoulder, and moments later, I barely dodged a book flying toward my head. I couldn't control this. I didn't know how. I didn't know anything except that I wanted to live and I wanted my mother to live too. Darkness swirled around us all as great billowing clouds filled the room. More lightning danced around, oblivious to where it traveled. The elemental was right. I would kill one of – Lightning shot out at the spirit holding my mother, forcing her to fall to the ground. He screamed and screamed. It was the most horrible sound I'd ever heard. It was more than a death knell, more than a tortured cry. I covered my ears again, watching as he glowed blindingly bright, then went black, then was nothing. The elemental backed away from me, fear palpably rolling off of him. A tingle along my skin told me what he was going to do. He was so scared, he was going to try to cross back to the Otherworld. Right here, right now, with no crossroads. Doing so had nearly ripped me apart. There was no way he could do it, not when he couldn't even transition to this world in his natural form. He didn't seem to care, however, and suddenly I panicked. What if he could? What if by some miracle he escaped? I couldn't let him get away, not after what he'd done here, not after what he'd tried to do. My need, my anxiety†¦both grew, but I had no way to focus them. I had no idea what had happened to my weapons in this madness. A bolt of lighting blew apart a speaker beside me, and the sound made that ear go deaf. More lightning flared, so strongly and rapidly that I couldn't tell what was real and what was an afterimage. Somewhere, over the thunder, I heard the elemental screaming, although I could no longer see him. It wasn't as horrible as the spirit's cries had been, but it still made my skin crawl. Lightning hit something else beside me, and sharp pieces of whatever it was flew into my arm. I was going to die, I realized. With the spirit. With the elemental. With my mother. Who would have thought the spirits I'd just banished to the Otherworld would be the lucky ones? I buried my face in my hands, trying to block out what I'd created. It didn't help. It was almost like the lightning and clouds existed in my mind as much as in the room. I squeezed my eyes tighter, so much so that they hurt. But nothing changed. The wind roared against me, the thunder shook my house. Dominating it all was the darkness – and the light – as the thunder and lightning came and went. Darkness, light. Darkness, light. Darkness.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Analysis of John Steinbecks Chrysanthemums and Shirley...
Examining The ChrysanthemumS The Lottery Examining The Chrysanthemums The Lottery In the WWII period, women entered the workforce is massive numbers a statistical anomaly that had never existed in American society or hardly any other modern society, ever. They became empowered and more women realized a wider range of their capabilities. A few decades after WWII, the feminist movement would rise to change the course of womens history again. The success and fervor of the feminist movement would not have been as potent or active without the change in experience for women in the preceding decades. It is within some of these social and historical contexts which the paper will consider the protagonist, Elisa Allen. The Chrysanthemums precedes WWII and the beginning of another change in the culture of women by just a few years. Elisa Allen is a figure for the foreshadowing of the future of American women. The paper considers how Steinbeck demonstrates her spatial and metaphorical confinement via literary structures, characterization, and narrative arc. The environment is a revealing metaphor or symbol in the story. It is sometimes a prominent aspect, and sometimes subtle. Just as the fog rolled in during the winter of a nearly desolate ranch, so does a storm or a fog of change approach for Elisa, as a figure for American women as the midway point of the 20th century approached. John Steinbecks famed short story, The Chrysanthemums, was published in Harpers
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